‘Some roads in Dundumwezi were last graded 28 years ago’

Dundumwezi UPND Member of Parliament Edgar Singombe says it is a pity that some roads in his constituency were last worked on before the MMD came to power.

Speaking when he featured on Byta FM this morning, Singombe complained that his constituency has been neglected by successive governments since the end of the UNIP era, adding that the people of Dundumwezi’s only hope is in a UPND-led government.

He charged that his constituents are tired of lies from the sitting govt hence the ‘protest’ vote they gave the PF  in last year’s elections.

Singombe said the road from  Kalomo town to Dundumwezi was only done in 2011 since 1989 after he  confronted ZNS to do the works.

The lawmaker said past governments have been promising of paying back to the productive farmers of Dundumwezi with development but nothing has happened up to now.

Singombe said roads in his constituency are dilapidated that some farmers find it difficult to ferry their maize for good markets in town, thereby selling it to the briefcase buyers.

He revealed that people sometimes have to walk close to 4km before they can find transport to Choma or Kalomo.

He accused government of awarding road contracts to relatives who eventually abandon works.

The lawmaker further disclosed government has not released constituency development funds (CDF) for his constituency for the past three years.

He also complained that the dams in his constituency have been poorly constructed.

And Singombe has dismissed any possibility of him joining the PF-led government at ministerial level, saying doing so will not guarantee development in his constituency.

He claimed that his party the UPND will form government “very soon” and recognise the people who have contributed massively to the food security of the nation because no govt has ever recognized their efforts.

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