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Seize the Opportunity, don’t take comfort in your current state or success

By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba,
Remember the story of Lazarus as described in the Gospel of Luke 16; 19-31 Lazarus was a poor beggar covered with sores and had dogs licking his wounds.
The richman, in fine royal purple linen, ridiculed Lazarus as he ate from the crumbs falling off his table. When they died, the tables turned. “In Hell, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side”. 24 “So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’” Things change so rapidly that yesterday’s heroes are today’s zeroes.
That yesterday’s rich man is today’s poor man. That yesterday’s poorman is today’s richman. Don’t you wonder, that those you admired at school as wealthy, privileged or better, today look up to you for help and support? That those you thought had a bright future at school, today say you are the brightest future?
In business, remember Nokia, the best selling mobile brand in the World with a dominant global market but within a few years lost the position to new comers in iPhone? There was a company, the biggest in VHS video distribution called Blockbuster Video. It dominated home movie and video game rental services through video rental shops.
It was offered Netflix, the online streaming service for $50 million. Blockbuster rejected the offer laughing at the unlikely possibility of people downloading and watching movies and programs on the internet. Today Netflix is worth $145 billion and Blockbuster Video closed its last two Shops in 2018. Also remember, Yahoo refused and rejected to acquire Google for $1 billion claiming it was highly over priced like an oil company. Google is now a multinational technology company. Today Google is worth $800 billion beating by far, many oil companies.
And Yahoo management were so confident of their future that they also rejected an offer from Microsoft to be bought for $44 billion. But Yahoo was later acquired by Verizon for a measly $4 billion. Just look at the missed opportunities. What does this teach us? It is self evident, that tomorrow is NOT assured and that current or past circumstances can’t define your future.
You will likely be better off if you manage the now, well, or you will be worse-off if you mismanage the opportunities that lie before you. Spend more time with people that love you than those that fleece on you.
And sometimes don’t see people for who they are now, but see them for what they maybe tomorrow. Sometimes stay in the grind, sacrifice and stay focused on your future prospects, and let them laugh at your current circumstances for you will laugh louder, last. For those being arrogant today, let them be, for tomorrow is not assured. But be and remain humble in all circumstances

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