SANLAM signs collective agreement with ZUFIAW

vlcsnap-2018-08-27-19h59m23s664SANLAM Life Insurance Zambia has today signed its first ever collective agreement with the Zambia Union for Financial Institutions and Allied Workers (ZUFIAW).

The two year collective agreement for improved conditions of service and increased salaries based on performance for unionized workers at the institution is effective today 27th August 2018.

Speaking during the signing ceremony in Lusaka, SANLAM Life Insurance Chief Executive Officer Simachila Makwembo said his company has a  mandate to create an environment where employees explore their full potential.

Mr. Simachila has however advised the workers not to take advantage and abuse the benefits that are coming with the collective agreement such as the overtime funds.

He has urged the workers to continue working hard in delivering effective service delivery to the customers by ensuring that there is perfection in what their work.

And speaking on behalf of ZUFIAW Secretary General, ZUFIAW Deputy Secretary General Mutelo Mabenga encouraged the workers to be productive and factual in their service delivery.

Mr. Mabenga has also commended management and the union leaders of SANLAM life insurance for the successful bargaining process.

Meanwhile, SANLAM ZUFIAW union chairperson Daniel Chileshe encouraged his fellow workers to be very productive as they enjoy the full benefits of the agreement.

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