Pres. Lungu Urges Africa To Uphold Constitutionalism

pres-lungu-rutoPresident Edgar Lungu has urged Africans to respect the rule of law, democracy and good governance.

The Head of State was speaking when African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council apid a courtesy call on him yesterday.



-His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of the Republic of Zambia has called on African leaders to uphold constitutionalism, the rule of law, democracy and good governance, if the continent has to attain peace and stability and forge its development agenda.

President Lungu has said failure by some African leaders to respect their countries’ constitutions has been a source of conflicts on the continent.

Speaking when members of the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council paid a courtesy call on him at State House today, President Lungu said constitutionalism is a prerequisite for peace and security on the African continent.

The President observed that some African countries were under strife because of lack of respect for constitutionalism.

President Lungu says constitutions should not be changed at will to serve selfish interests at the expense of the majority citizens.

“Our people want peace. We can give them peace through the respect for our constitutions. Lack of respect for constitutions is a recipe for anarchy,” The President said.

“Let the people’s constitutions be stable. All of us are passengers and we will not be there forever. Leaders must therefore allow the law to take its course for the sake of peace on the continent. It is about the rule of law, democracy and good governance. There is also need for governments to treat former leaders with respect and diginity after they leave office,” the President said.

And the President has assured the African Union Peace and Security Council members to count on the Zambian Government support to push for the implementation of resolutions of the ongoing retreat in Lusaka, at the forth-coming Heads of State and Government AU Summit in January 2017.

President Lungu assured of his unwavering personal commitment and the Zambian Government’s dedication to ensure that African countries which have not yet ratified the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2007) do so.

Earlier, Representative of the AU Peace and Security Council members Ambassador Osman Kamara from Sierra Leone appealed to the President to take a leading role in ensuring that the declaration of the African Union Assembly in 2013 to make Africa conflict-free by 2020 through the agenda “Silencing the Guns-Owning the Future.”

And Burundi’s Representative to the Council Ambassador Dieudonne Ndabarushimana described Zambia as a source of inspiration and a haven of stability, peace and hope.

Ambassador Ndabarushimana says Zambia’s unwavering commitment to peace and stability in Africa is conspicuous hence the need for the country to spearhead to continent’s vision to attain peace and stability.

And Kenya’s Representative to the Council Ambassador Joseph Vungo expressed concern that democracy in Africa was under threat due to prolonged stay of some African leaders in some countries.

Ambassador Vungo appealed to President Lungu to take up the role of an Ambassador in this matter by collaborating with his counterparts to put an end to this challenge.

Other members in the Council who visited State House included those from Algeria, Botswana, Chad, Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Niger, Rwanda, Nigeria, South Africa, Togo and Uganda.

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