Police summon Kambwili

Chishimba Kambwili

The Zambia Police Service has summoned Roan PF Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili for interrogation at Lusaka Division police headquarters anti-fraud office tomorrow at 14:00.

According to the callout issued by officer in-charge, Lusaka division dated November 22, Kambwili is requested to report to room A73 at 14:00 hours tomorrow.

“I have to inform you that Dr Chishimba Kambwili, said to be in your employment or your partner, is required to attend interviews at Lusaka division police headquarters on 24/11/17 for the purposes of investigations,” the callout read.

It further stated that Kambwili would not be detained longer than is absolutely necessary.

The outspoken Kambwili, who is a political consultant for the newly-formed National Democratic Congress, has ruffled the feathers of the ruling party elite of late, repeatedly calling President Edgar Lungu and his trusted lieutenants as thieves.

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