Police Reserve Who Raped A Woman At Gunpoint Shot Dead

POLICE officers in Lusaka have shot dead a police reserve identified as Steve Nsomekela for allegedly raping a woman at gun point.
Nsonekela aged 29 of Silverest last Friday alleged raped a woman who later reported him to police.
This came to light when police officers were investigating a case of rape where a woman had reported that she was raped at gun point by a person who was in police uniform.
Confirming the development yesterday, Police Spokesperson Esther Mwaata Katongo said the act was reported to have happened in the vehicle of the suspect.
“Without the suspect noticing , the victim grabbed some documents from the vehicle which she presented to police,” Katongo said.
Katongo said that investigations pointed to the said suspect who was apprehended by police.
“Officers further went with the suspect home for recoveries where they got a pistol and some police uniforms,” Katongo added.
She explains that whilst there, the suspect attempted to jump over the wall fence, situation which led to officers to shoot him on the hip.
“He unfortunately died on the way to UTH where he was being rushed. The body is in UTH mortuary,” said Katongo.

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