Over 80 Percent Pass GCE Exams

About 83.23 percent of the 113,647 students who sat for their General Certificate Education exams in 2017 have obtained GCE Certificates representing a decrease of 9.68 percentage points from 92.91 percent in 2016. General Education Minister Dr. Dennis Wanchinga has told a media briefing in Lusaka that 37,792 males and 75,855 females sat for the

Clinton: White House Private Emails ‘Height of Hypocrisy’

Hillary Clinton has called reports that six Trump White House officials used private email accounts for official business the “height of hypocrisy”. President Donald Trump repeatedly attacked Mrs Clinton’s use of personal email while she was secretary of state during the 2016 campaign. Mr Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner admitted to using his email while five

DEC Nab Businessman For Money Laundering Involving Over K2 million

The Drug Enforcement Commission through its Anti Money Laundering Investigations Unit has arrested a Lusaka businessman for money laundering activities involving over K2 million. Commission public relations officer Theresa Katongo says Augustine Menyani, 47, of HoTheresa DECuse No. 1080, Chamba Valley Phase 3 in Lusaka has been arrested for attempting to obtain credit by false

Govt invests in aquaculture

NANCY MWAPE, Lusaka GOVERNMENT has invested US$50.89 million through the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise Development project to improve the genetic of fish. Permanent Secretary for Fisheries and Livestock David Shamulenge said out of the US$50.89 million invested in the project, about US$4.045 million will go towards growth of the Kafue bream. “The Central Statistics Office projects

KCM transfers 1,000 miners

NKOMBO KACHEMBA, Kitwe KONKOLA Copper Mines (KCM) has allegedly transferred over 1,000 workers to contractors it has outsourced to manage its business units despite Government issuing a directive to the mining giant to maintain its staff. The mine denies doing so. Minister of Mines and Minerals Development Christopher Yaluma recently issued a directive to KCM

Peaceful polls key to growth, says Lungu

HONE SIAME, Lusaka PRESIDENT Lungu says African countries should strive to hold peaceful elections to sustain political and economic stability. President Lungu said peaceful elections are key to political stability and economic growth of any country. He said Angolans have so far demonstrated their commitment towards upholding democratic tenets that lead to peaceful transition.https://epaper.daily-mail.co.zm/  
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