Weed out child, forced marriages

By CLARA BWALYA-KAWIMBE - child marriage is a gross human rights violation which puts girls at risk of violence and ill health. It also denies them the opportunity to fully contribute to society and keeps them locked up in poverty. However, in the past 10 years, early child forced marriage, which is a global problem

Local jewellery makers want support

By CHATULA KANGALI - GOVERNMENT should localise the sale of anode slime, a by-product of copper which contains silver, gold and other metals needed in the manufacturing of jewellery to support growth of the local industry. Festus Fine Jewellery and Gems director Festus Mbewe said there was need to localise the sale of anode slime

New Ford Ranger to hit Zambian market

By JAMES MUYANWA - THE Ford Motor Company of South Africa has launched a new Ford Ranger to soon hit Zambia and other countries which are part of its market. The first-ever 2.2-litre-automatic derivative was unveiled to journalists from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) countries in George Town, in Western Cape last week. The launch of the
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