ACC to open inquiry against dismissed Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili

The Anti-Corruption Commission will soon start probing how dismissed Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili acquired so much wealth at a time he served in government. Highly placed sources at the ACC have revealed that an inquiry will soon be opened against Dr Kambwili to ascertain his source of wealth after President Edgar Lungu gave a go-ahead.

Large quantities of illegal alcoholic drinks commonly known as Tujilijili confiscated

A COMBINED team of Zambia Police and officers from Chipata Municipal Council on Tuesday swung into action confiscating large quantities of illegal alcoholic drinks commonly known as Tujilijili. The officers went round the district confiscating the alcoholic drinks in bars, streets within town and in the compounds. A check at the council found officers offloading

Brandina Lubuli is Model of the Year

SYLVESTER CHISHIMBA, Lusaka TWENTY-YEAR- -old Brandina Lubuli, with years of vast experience of modelling at international level, was last Saturday crowned Model of the Year at the Zambia Fashion and Models Awards held at Best Western Plus Lusaka Grand Hotel. Brandina competed with Nicholas Njovu, Christine Sakala, Nandi Ngwenya, Teta Vundamina and Pitita Jimmy to

Ending winless streak cheers Chembo

MULWANDA LUPIYA, Ndola ZESCO United caretaker coach Tenant Chembo is delighted that the Super Division reigning champions on Wednesday ended their four-match winless streak. Zesco came from behind to trounce Nchanga Rangers 3-1 in a rescheduled Week 28 match at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola. Chembo, in an interview, saluted his charges for returning to
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