Over 80 Percent Pass GCE Exams

About 83.23 percent of the 113,647 students who sat for their General Certificate Education exams in 2017 have obtained GCE Certificates representing a decrease of 9.68 percentage points from 92.91 percent in 2016.

General Education Minister Dr. Dennis Wanchinga has told a media briefing in Lusaka that 37,792 males and 75,855 females sat for the exams.

Dr. Wanchinga says there was an increase in absenteeism standing at 7.68 percent compared to 2016 which stood at 6.33.

He has since observed the need to establish the causes of absenteeism from examinations.

Dr. Wanchinga says the national failure rate in the 2017 GCE examination stands at 16.76 percent represents an increase of 9.68 percent compared to the 7.09 percent in 2016.

He has also disclosed that a total of 743 cases of examination malpractice were recorded during the conduct of the 2017 General Certificate Education Examination, majority of which were impersonation and assistance in nature.

Meanwhile Dr. Wanchinga says of the total 11,019 candidates who sat for the Grade 9 External Examinations, only 326 candidates have obtained Certificates representing 2.96 percent, while a total of 6,330 representing 57.45 percent of the candidates obtained Statements, describing the results as generally poor.

Dr. Wanchinga says a total of 4,363 candidates representing 39.60 percent failed the examination.

Dr. Wanchinga has since advised candidates to collect statements of results from their respective examination centres.

And Examinations Council of Zambia Board Chairperson, Professor Samuel Banda has advised Zambians to take advantage of the GCE exams and Grade 9 External Examinations.

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