No one buys Times of Zambia – Information Minister


Dora Siliya

Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Dora Siliya has said Times of Zambia Newspaper is becoming a burden for government to sustain because no one buys the daily publication.

And Ms. Siliya said Times of Zambia employees that are planning to strike beginning tomorrow (today) should realise that the problems of the company lacking money are real.

Times of Zambia employees have now gone nine months without getting their salary.

Journalists there have been forced to rely on trips with some ministers to make money to sustain their livelihoods, and have all threatened not to work starting tomorrow until they are paid.

But Ms. Siliya who is Chief Government Spokesperson said no matter how much money government puts in, it will be difficult to end the problems at the newspaper as a result of poor management.

“Times of Zambia has a management and a board yet, the situation is dire. This newspaper is not selling so why are people going to advertise there. The problems are real because the newspaper circulation is only 7,000 yet it is overstaffed.” Ms. Siliya said.

Meanwhile, Ms. Siliya said it will require massive overhaul to revive the newspaper which will not happen overnight.

“The message to the workers at Times of Zambia is that the problems are real and I will not sugar coat them. The problems are real there.” Ms. Siliya said.

The Zambia Union of Journalists which represents the interests of public media workers only announced today (yesterday) that all employees at Times of Zambia will not report for work tomorrow.

ZNBC is another public institution that is limping financially, resulting from mismanagement and appointment of unqualified directors whose Curriculum Vitae obtained by Zambian Watch only shows jokes, as their are no proper achievements in reference among board members.

However, Daily Mail has tried to survive the hardships and is able to make their own money.

Meanwhile, Times of Zambia Managing Director Beston N’gonga just returned from Kenya where he went for an all expenses paid for holiday by the company and stayed at Azuri 5 Star Hotel. He earlier made a direct flight from Dubai to Kenya on his exploration of leisure while reporters go months without pay – Zambian Watch.

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