MCMZ, Choma One Stop Center and Chief Cooma halt three child marriages


A Choma-based NGO, Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia (MCMZ), local service partners the Choma One Stop Center and His Royal Highness Chief Cooma yesterday stopped three potential marriages of girls from Sikalongo Primary School.


This was after the traditional leader lodged in a report at the MCMZ offices in Choma town after Sikalongo primary recorded three teen pregnancies.


The girls who are in grade six, were at risk of getting into early marriages after faling pregnant as mission schools do not execute the re-entry policy introduced by government. This meant that the girls had no other option besides marriage as alternative schools are very far.


And addressing the parents to to the three girls, Chief Cooma sounded a strong warning regarding the continued teen pregnacies among pupils in schools located within the boarders of his chiefdom, saying he will not tolerate a situation where a parent or guardian marries off their child in circumstances that she is discovered pregnant.


And MCMZ executive director Genious Musokotwane commended the traditional leader for not allowing the families involved to settle for marriage payments against the will of a girl child.


He also praised Chief Cooma for his exceptional role in the fight against child marriages and uplifting the plight of girls in his Chiefdom.


Musokotwane stressed that there was need for more collaborated efforts from all government stakeholders in curbing child marriage vices and called for quick action whenever a traditional leader reports such cases.


Women and Law in Southern Africa field coordinator Sambo Masuwa called for strengthened protection of girls and pledged that the Choma One Stop Center will stop at nothing to ensure their was coordinated and effective service delivery to better the plight of girls.


Stakeholders that worked with MCMZ on the case included; The Expanded Church Response, Women and Law in Southern Africa and The Cooma Royal Foundation.


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