Kundas Honour Mama Betty

THE Malambo Cultural and Development Association has honoured late Mama Betty Kaunda with the Kunda Royal Medal of Freedom award.

First President Dr Kenneth Kaunda received the award on behalf of Mama Betty.

In her honouring Mama Betty, senior Chief Nsefu stated that the former First Lady was a pillar of support to Dr Kaunda during his struggle for independence supporting him and the family materially, morally and spiritually.

“During this period she suffered immense intimidation, threats and other forms of undue pressure from the colonialist and reactionaries. She did not capitulate to this pressure,” he stated.

In receiving the award, Mama Betty Kaunda’s son Kaweche who accompanied Dr Kaunda commended the association for the gesture.

Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people who was the guest of honour presented the award to Dr Kaunda.

Eastern Province minister Makebi Zulu who is also Malambo MP said the Airport /Cropping road had been renamed Mama Betty Kaunda road as one way of honouring her.

Mama Betty was hnoured during this year’s Malaila traditional ceremony of the Kunda people which was held under the theme recognizing our Heritage at Luwaneni Arena.

The ceremony was attended by Ministers Ronald Chitotela and Lawrence Sichalwe, senior Chief Nzamane, chief Chinyaku, chieftainess Nyanje among many other notables.

During the Malaila the Kundas commemorate their movement from the

Luba- Lunda to Malambo where they are currently settled.

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