Kitwe DC Appeals For Funds To Rehabilitate Govt Infrastructure

Kitwe District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu has told Minister of Works and Supply Felix Mutati that the state of infrastructure in most government departments in the district is dilapidated and needs refurbishment.

Speaking when Mutati paid a courtesy call on him at his office, Mpundu said government departments are failing to rehabilitate their dilapidated offices due to lack of resources.

He said only the Ministry of Education was doing better while most of them, among them, health were not doing well and have remained with dilapidated infrastructure.

“Hon. Minister even my office has no much allocation to help refurbish some of the dilapidated offices. The Ministry of Education so far is doing well but the rest are not due to lack of resources,” Mpundu said.

He has appealed to the Ministry of Works and Supply that through the submission of projects for budgetary allocation, Kitwe district be included.

“Minister I want to take advantage of this opportunity to inform you that as you submit projects for funding please remember us as well,” he said.

And Minister of Works and Supply Felix Mutati has assured that he will be in Kitwe on Thursday with officers from his Ministry to ascertain the works that need to be worked on.

“Yes DC we are aware of such needs and I can assure you that I am coming back on Thursday with officers from my Ministry to check on these issues,” Mutati said.

The post Kitwe DC Appeals For Funds To Rehabilitate Govt Infrastructure appeared first on Zambia Reports.

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