Kazala Boasts; “State House Will Clear Us; Investigations Going Nowhere”

Football HouseSuspended Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) vice president Richard Kazala and committee member Blackwell Siwale are boasting to their friends that State House will clear them on allegations of stealing K150,000 meant for ticket sales.

FAZ president Andrew Kamanga has suspended the duo for pocketing the money after imposing themselves to collect K 1, 650,000 on behalf of the association from government after President Edgar Lungu bought tickets for fans for last month’s Zambia versus Nigeria match.
But after collecting the money in bags, Kazala and Siwale only remitted K 1,500,000 and pocketed the difference.

The two PF supporters are now frantically trying to use their party and State House connections to get a letter from President Lungu which will purport that they collected K 1,500,000 when infact not.
“They are boasting that the investigations will not go anywhere the moment they get that letter from President Lungu that is why up to now, they have not denied or accepted the allegations,” the sources said.

“I mean these are serious allegations and if someone calls you a thief when you are not, you are going to say something to defend yourself but the two are dead quiet. They know they stole but are hoping the President will issue a letter clearing them.

“The whole thing has put pressure on State House that’s why even them have not said anything. They know Kazala and Siwale stole the money and if they issue that letter, State House will effectively be owing FAZ K 150,000 and this whole fight against corruption will just be meaningless if such a straightforward and simple matter cannot be dealt with.”

The sources urged “President Lungu to do the right thing and not shield football thieves.”
According to sources, Kazala is even making reference to the investigations on Kalusha Bwalya by the ACC.

“He says takuli eko fileya ati tamwamona ifya chitika pali Kalusha. The ACC has done nothing. They will not do anything to us,” the source added.

Kazala is also boasting that he has enough resources to take care of any investigator.

“Apparently if State House clears Kazala, he has vowed to go for Kamanga. He says he will finish Kamanga,” the source added.

Kazala is currently talking to FAZ councilors to rebel against Kamanga and remove him from office at the next Annual General Meeting in March 2017.

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