Japan Congratulates President Edgar Lungu on his Election Victory

JAPAN has congratulated President Edgar Lungu on his victory in the August General Elections.

Japan welcomed the peaceful and successful holding of the elections.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said He is convinced that Zambia will thrive further and contribute to Africa’s peace and prosperity under President Lungu’s prominent leadership.

Mr Abe assured that Japan will continue to contribute to Zambia’s development by steadily implementing measures that were announced at the Sixth Tokyo International Conference on Africa Development (TICADVI)held in Kenya from 27 to 28 August 2016.

The Japanese Prime Minister also expressed willingness to cooperate closely with President Lungu to further promote the long steady friendly and cooperative bilateral relationship between Zambia and Japan, and enhance cooperation between the two countries on the international arena including United Nations Security reform.

Mr Abe said Japan strongly supports the target addressed in the “Agenda 2063,” which states that Africa should assume its permanent seats on the Security Council within the next decade.

‘’On behalf of the Government and people of Japan, I have the honour to extend to you my warmest congratulations on Your Excellency’s reappointment as the President of the Republic of Zambia,” Prime Minister Abe said.

And Japanese Emperor Akihito in his congratulatory message to President Lungu expressed His heartfelt congratulations and sincere good wishes for the success and happiness of the President and for the prosperity of the people of Zambia.

“On the occasion of Your Excellency’s reassumption of the exalted office of the President of the Republic of Zambia, I have great pleasure in sending you my heartfelt congratulations and sincere good wishes for the success and happiness of Your Excellency and for the prosperity of the people of Your country,” Emperor Akihito said.

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