It is my democratic right to endorse President Lungu as a candidate of my choice, says Rupiah Banda

FOURTH Republican President Rupiah Banda says he has endorsed President Edgar Lungu in the forthcoming elections because he has a democratic right as a citizen to endorse a candidate of his choice.

President Banda said there is nothing wrong in endorsing a candidate during polls because it is a practice world over so that best candidates can be elected to lead the nation.

Speaking at a public rally in Lundazi yesterday the former head of state said President Lungu is the best candidate among the 9 who are contesting this year’s polls hence his endorsement.

He said President Lungu has shown that he can govern the country and ensure development.

Mr. Banda has since urged the people of Zambia to give President Lungu a full term of office so that he can finish implementing the projects the PF has initiated.

He said the country cannot develop if its people keep changing governments within short periods.

Mr Banda said President Lungu has united the country by embracing all Zambians including those who do not agree with him.

The former president also called on the people of Zambia to vote ‘yes’ in the referendum to enhance people rights.

Source: Lusaka Times

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