Govt urged to ensure women benefit from the 20 percent sub contraction policy

ZAWIC president Dorothy Mulwila

ZAWIC president Dorothy Mulwila

The Zambia Association for Women In Construction (ZAWIC) has reiterated the need for government to ensure that women benefit from the 20 percent sub contraction policy.

ZAWIC president Dorothy Mulwila has told Q news that only about 2 percent out of the 20 percent sub-construction policy has been given to women in the country.

Mrs. Mulwila states that women are finding it difficult to get into sub-contracting as they are being sidelined and it seems that those foreigners who have contracts in the sector are reluctant in sub-contracting locals especially the women contractors.

She states that there is a lot of money being spent in construction of roads, houses and malls in the country but most of this money is being externalized by the foreign contractors being engaged.

She has noted the need for the 20 percent sub construction policy to be strengthened to ensure that women contractors benefit.

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