Govt sets aside K670,000 for IsokaSAPP


GOVERNMENT has set aside K670,000 to farmer groups under the Smallholder Agri-business Promotion Programme (SAPP), in Isoka District of Muchinga Province for infrastructure development.
Isoka District Marketing Development Officer (DMDO) Thomas Ngosa said Government has so far disbursed K270,000 out of the K670,000.
Mr Ngosa said five of the six projects approved have been funded.
More than 3,800 people were expected to benefit from the projects once completed and urged the implementing groups to put funds to good use if the Programme is to achieve the intended goals.
The benefiting groups include Kabandama Women’s club, Kampumbu Cooperative Society of Kampumbu Agricultural Bloc, Lutanda Multipurpose Cooperative, Mafinga Cooperative Society, Isoka High School Mother Support Group and Simukoko Enterprises, all of Isoka Central Agricultural Bloc.
Mr Ngosa said the projects range from storage shed construction, groundnuts processing, bulking Centre construction, pig production, village chicken production and beef processing respectively.
He said construction works have started  and the projects are expected to be completed by December 31, 2016.
Government is committed to improving the living standards of people in rural areas, by empowering them with funds for infrastructure development, hence the need to guard the facilities jealously.

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