Former First Lady Dr Kaseba in South Africa representing Lungu’s wife

Dr Kaseba

Former First Lady Christine Kaseba has arrived in Johannesburg South Africa where she is representing First Lady Esther Lungu at the 11th stop cervical, breast and prostate cancer in Africa conference.

Speaking upon arrival in South Africa Dr. Kaseba thanked President Edgar Lungu and the first lady for giving her the opportunity to represent the country at the important conference.

Dr. Kaseba explained that the conference is an important platform for Zambia to move forward in strengthening the public private partnerships in resource mobilization for the implementation of the cancer strategic plan.

She said this is also a great opportunity for Zambia to showcase the results the country has achieved from awareness to implementation which have possibilities of attracting more resource mobilization in the roll out of the national programme.

The 11th Stop Cervical, breast and prostate cancer in Africa conference is expected to be attended by first ladies from different African countries, representatives, technocrats and will be officially opened tomorrow by South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma.

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