ECOWAS Military Action On Deposed Dictator Yahya Jammeh Excites Hichilema; Backs Trump Victory

hichilema-cb-1United Party for National Development president Hakainde Hichilema says that Americans and Gambians had done very well by voting for businessmen to the office of President.

And Hichilema said that ECOWAS had shamed SADC for its having restored the real winner of the elections in the Gambia after incumbent Yayah Jammeh had refused to stand down after losing elections.

Featuring on Radio Christian Voice Chat Back program, Hichilema labelled Electoral Commission of Zambia Chairperson Justice Esau Chulu as corrupt and incompetent.

Hichilema said that Americans and Gambians had read the times and opted for businessmen to run their countries.

‘Americans have brought in a businessman whether you it or not that is what they have done and also the Gambia has elected a businessman,” he said.

The UPND leader castigated SADC for not taking any action over the outcome of the August 11 elections that the opposition leader alleges were rigged in President Edgar Lungu’s favour.

“We thank ECOWAS for enforcing the rule of law in the Gambia, they said Jammeh that even if you have been a dictator for 22 years we will not allow you to violate the constitution,” he said.

“SADC need to do more here, maybe the African Union cannot do anything because it is dominated by leaders from SADC.”

He added: “SADC should soul search and find out why it was established.’

The UPND leader branded the ECZ corrupt saying they rigged elections in favour of President Lungu.

“Judge Chulu is corrupt and incompetent. Take the case of Lundazi for instance where they gave one candidate 29, 000 votes when in actual voter registered voters were 28, 000,” he said.

“They failed to provide G12 forms all over the country and even here in Lusaka and we had party cadres taking over polling stations.”

“How can judge Chulu and Priscilla Isaacs not have delivered G12 certificates here in Kalingalinga? They knew that PF was losing without delivering G12 certificates that is why they were writing G12 certificates in bars,” he said.

Hichilema also condemned PF secretary General Davies Mwila for directing party cadres to take over bus stations and markets.

He said that Mwila was promoting thuggery in the country by directing PF cadres to wrestle bus stations and markets from the local authorities.

He also condemned the recent removal of street vendors from the streets saying they were trading on the streets as they had not been given jobs.

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