Don’t Disrupt Youth Day Activities, Antonio Mwanza Warns UPND

Patriotic Front deputy media director Antonio Mwanza has warmed the opposition UPND youths against disrupting Youth Day celebrations.

Mwanza said that the UPND youth announcement that they would participate in Youth Day proceedings was not in good health.

He said that the PF had reported the matter to the police that they suspected the UPND wanted to disrupt the event as a precautionary measure.

Mwanza said that the UPND were taking advantage of the presence of the Commonwealth delegation in the country to draw negative attention to Zambia.

The UPND has broken its own tradition of shunning Youth Day celebrations citing their grievance with the state of youth unemployment.

The post Don’t Disrupt Youth Day Activities, Antonio Mwanza Warns UPND appeared first on Zambia Reports.

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