Don laments Judiciary attack

A LAW lecturer at the Zambia Open University Mulenga Besa has expressed concern over the continued attacks on the judiciary and judicial officers by some sections of the media.
Mr Besa said the judiciary in any society was the only organ that was not politically inclined hence the need to respect it.
He explained that attacking the judiciary was tantamount to undermining its independence and ability to discharge its functions impartially.
“Concerned parties have various options of seeking justice from erring judicial officers as opposed to attacks which were eroding the independence of the judiciary,” he said.
He said the judiciary was the defender of the constitution and must be allowed to do so without fear of unwarranted attacks from the public.
Mr Besa added that if anyone was not happy with the decisions made by judges, there are appeals that can be made rather than attacking the judiciary in public.
“At least the judicially should not be politically inclined because it is the defender of people’s rights regardless their political affiliation,” she said.
And the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) recently called on stakeholders to stop media attacks on the judiciary and judicial officers as this has the potential to erode confidence and damage the independence of the judicial system in the country.
LAZ president Linda Kasonde said the association was concerned that some media outlets had launched open attacks on the judiciary, a situation that could derail democratic growth in the country.
“LAZ recently noted that certain print media organisations continuously published articles and reports that criticised and attacked the character and integrity of the judiciary and particular judges.
“We condemn these attacks on the judiciary especially that this is not the appropriate forum to deal with any alleged misconduct of judicial officers without fair hearing,” Ms Kasonde said.
She said in a statement issued in Lusaka recently that a well functioning, efficient and independent judiciary was a crucial requirement for fair, consistent and impartial justice administration.
Ms Kasonde said unwarranted attacks on the judiciary could undermine the independence of the judiciary and robbed the attacked judges the right to be heard and respond to the allegations.
She said the JCC was competent to handle matters involving such officers and that where the alleged misconduct occurred outside the courtroom, the bad behaviour could be reported to appropriate State investigative wings.

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