6 months ago
The Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management-ZIHRM- has initiated an investigation into corruption allegations in the public-sector recruitment process, alleging that people pay K25,000 to be employed in the civil service.
Mr. Shamizhinga further disclosed that two active corruption cases in the public sector are before the disciplinary committee established by the High Court, but emphasizes that the private sector is more infamous for noncompliance.
The ZIHRM president further says that increased inspections in the third quarter of 2023 resulted in over 4000 subscriptions in 2024, which is roughly the same number that the institution had by September last year.
He adds that the institute held various sensitization programs for human resource practitioners last year, but will enforce the provisions of the Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management Act No. 3 of 2022 this year, to rid the sector of unlicensed practitioners and corruption in recruitment processes.