Chilanga farmers urged to question farming methods

By Dorcas  Chaaba –

CHILANGA District Commissioner Edith Muwana has urged farmers in the area to take a moment and question their way of farming and the impact it has on the environment.
Ms Muwana said the earth is a common heritage of mankind and provides all that is needed to live and thrive such as food, water and air.
She however, said it is unfortunate that people are taking much more from nature than what they really need thereby, depleting the planet’s natural resources and not thinking of tomorrow.
“Sustainable development requires us to have an eagle’s eye. It simply means that the current human needs should be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,” stated Ms Muwana.
She said without proper management of the environment by farmers, there can be no food and without food there can be no future.
Ms Muwana said it is paramount to build a truly sustainable better Zambia where life is simple, meaningful, bountiful and beautiful.
She further noted that unless there is change in lifestyle, it will be difficult to save the environment.
Ms Muwana added that Government has promoted decentralisation and local community participation in collaboration with the private sector to underpin sustainable management of natural resources.
She was speaking during the Chilanga District Show under the theme, “Managing the Environment for Growth.”- NAIS

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