Category: Latest News

There Is No Constitution Review, PF

The ruling PF has cautioned Zambians against being mislead on the review of  the amendments that were made to the Republican Constitution in 2016. PF Deputy Spokesperson Frank Bwalya is urging people in the Country to be wary that it is not true that the PF led government has embarked on another Constitution review process.

‘Help us stop deforestation’

By THANDIWE MOYO - Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) has called on communities to help the agency in its efforts to stop the damage being caused by illegal trade in timber and indiscriminate charcoal burning. ZEMA principal information communication officer Ireen Chipili, said members of the communities should help ZEMA enforce the law by protecting

E-gabbage collection welcome

WRITING  in his book Under An African Sun; Memoirs of a colonial officer in Northern Rhodesia, Frank Bennet, an ex-colonial officer noted that Lusaka was a modern, spotlessly clean city with an abundance of parks and gardens. Mr Bennet who was writing about the city in the 50s up to the early 70s observed that

Cops vow to find game ranger killers

By JULIUS PHIRI - EASTERN Province Police will not rest until the seven poachers suspected to have murdered an officer from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife in Nyimba last week are brought to book. Provincial Police Commissioner, Alex Chilufya has said his men were on the hunt for the killers of Roderick Ngulube

‘Let’s fight childhood cancer’

By SARAH MWANZA - FIRST Lady Esther Lungu has called for concerted efforts in the fight against childhood cancer. Ms Lungu bemoaned the fact that in developing countries like Zambia, the cure rate of childhood cancer never exceeds 35 per cent. The First Lady said this yesterday in Lusaka at the commemoration of the International
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