Category: Latest News

Dora Siliya found wanting in the Malawi Parliamentary report over Maizegate

The Malawian Joint Committee of Parliament tasked to probe the Maize scandal has revealed that Zambia’s Agriculture Minister Dora Siliya flouted legal procedures when she instructed her Permanent Secretary to issue a Maize export permit of 50,000 metric tonnes to Transglobe Export Produce Ltd when the firm did not legally qualify. The Committee which tabled

M’membe claims baseless, says minister

CHOMBA MUSIKA, Lusaka GOVERNMENT has described as “baseless and malicious” claims by former Post Newspapers Limited (in liquidation) editor-in-chief Fred M’membe that President Lungu is after him following the arrest of his wife Mutinta. Chief government spokesperson Kampamba Mulenga said President Lungu is too busy implementing his campaign promises aimed at improving the welfare of

Chambeshi names U-20 AfCON squad

CECILIA ZULU, Lusaka ZAMBIA under-20 national team coach Beston Chambeshi has selected 21 players for the 2017 Africa Youth Championship kicking off on Sunday. Chambeshi, who unveiled his final team at a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday, said he has assembled a formidable squad. Zambia are in Group A with Egypt, Guinea and Mali while

Parliament has set right tone

ZAMBIA is not where it desires to be technologically, but it certainly is making the right moves or decisions in embracing modern tools and systems that help enhance efficiency. A case in point is the modernisation of Parliament with the latest act being the green light given to members of Parliament to use electronic gadgets

State to issue 5,000 titles

KELVIN MBEWE, Lusaka THE Ministry of Lands says it is targeting to issue over 5,000 titles in the first quarter of 2017 under the National Titling Programme. The Ministry said Kamwala South and Madido townships were earmarked for the first phase of title offers. Permanent secretary Trevor Kaunda said this at the launch of ‘Timange

DBZ to sign $75m loan deal

KALONDE NYATI, Lusaka GOVERNMENT and African Development Bank (AfDB) are expected to sign a US$75 million loan before the end of this month, to be provided to the Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ) for onward lending to the private sector. Minister of Finance Felix Mutati said in an interview on Friday that the programme will
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