Category: Latest News

Police rescue 21 children from traffickers

MAYENGO NYIRENDA, Chipata and ELIZABETH CHATUVELA, Lusaka A MALAWIAN woman and two Congolese men have been arrested in Petauke for allegedly trafficking 21 children from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Eastern Province commissioner of police Alex Chilufya said in Chipata yesterday that the trio was arrested at a check-point in Petauke. Mr Chilufya said the

Hector Chilombo appointed Rangers assistant coach

MULWANDA LUPIYA, Ndola STRUGGLING Super Division side Nchanga Rangers have appointed Hector Chilombo as assistant coach. Chilombo, a former Napsa Stars and City of Lusaka trainer, will deputise interim boss Evans Sakala. Club chairman Yoram Kapai confirmed the appointment of Chilombo in an interview in Chingola yesterday. “We have appointed Mr Hector Chilombo as assistant

ZAM has different tune for Stanbic

KELVIN KACHINGWE, Lusaka THE Zambia Association of Musicians (ZAM) is not happy that Stanbic Bank has overlooked it in preference for the National Arts Council of Zambia (NAC) in organising the Stanbic Music Festival. In a statement released to the Weekend Mail in Lusaka on Wednesday, ZAM chairman Njoya T says it must be made

Grandpa found with defilement case

PRISCILLA CHIPULU, Lusaka THE Lusaka Magistrate’s Court has found a 72-year-old man accused of defiling his two-year-old grandchild with a case to answer. This is a case in which Gibson Chilala of Shibuyunji district is charged with defilement of a child. Details in the matter are that on February 29, 2016, in Lusaka, had unlawful

Freight firm challenged

CATHERINE MUMBA, Lusaka MINISTER of Transport and Communications Brian Mushimba says there is need for Zambia Cargo and Logistics Limited (ZCL) to reclaim its former glory as a leading freight and logistic company to deliver on its mandate. ZCL handles mainly mineral cargo, especially copper, but has over the years diversified its revenue base to
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