Category: Latest News

Couple nearly splits over money

MELODY MUPETA, Kitwe A THIRTY-TWO -YEAR-OLD woman of Kitwe narrated before the Kitwe local court how her husband refuses to shave her private parts unless she ties a black cloth outside their house. This is in a case in which Paul Mpundu, 38, sued Angela Namwanga for divorce on grounds that she is financially irresponsible.

ZRU bans 2 Chibuluma players

MULWANDA LUPIYA, Ndola THE Zambia Rugby Union (ZRU) has banned two Chibuluma players from all activities for allegedly attacking a referee during a National Rugby League match. The players are Kelvin Zulu and Steward Sakala. Zulu and Sakala vented their anger on referee Dennis Sinyangwe, whom they clobbered after Chibuluma lost 28-23 in a Week

‘I need more women’

MATHEWS KABAMBA, Kitwe ONE woman is not enough for a Kitwe man who has asked the local court to grant him permission to marry a second wife. Before senior local court magistrate Frederick Ndhlovu was Alice Tembo who sued Ben Ngosa for divorce owing to his persistence that he wants a second wife. Magistrate Ndhlovu

70 ‘empty teens’ in sex party

KAPALA CHISUNKA, Lusaka POLICE on Friday raided a house in Lusaka’s Woodlands area and stopped an alleged sex party involving 70 teenagers aged between 13 and 18. Police spokesperson Esther Katongo said in a statement yesterday that bottles of beer and used condoms were found on the scene. The incident happened between 17:00 hours and

‘Spare the rod on pupils’

MELODY MUPETA, Kitwe THE Human Rights Commission (HRC) has opposed calls to re-introduce corporal punishment in schools because it is an infringement of children’s rights. HRC spokesperson Mwelwa Muleya said in an interview yesterday that Article 28 of the Conventions on Rights of Children clearly states that dignity of children must be respected. Mr Muleya

Castrate defilers, demands mayor

MIKE MUGALA, Lusaka NDOLA mayor Amon Chisenga has suggested that men who defile girls or who marry them early should be castrated as a solution to curbing the scourge as opposed to revising the Marriage Act. And Mr Chisenga has assured the affected marketeers at the recently burnt Kapalala Market that no-one will lose their
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