Category: Latest News

HH and GBM head to the Copperbelt

UPND president Hakainde Hichilema and his Vice president Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba are heading to the Copperbelt province this weekend where they will lead in the card renewal exercise. Copperbelt province Chairman Elisha Matambo has confirmed the development saying the police have u-turned on their earlier decision and have now given a go ahead. Police had

9 new cholera cases recorded in Lusaka

The Ministry of Health says 19 new cholera cases have been recorded while 41 patients are under admission, bringing the number to 263 from the time the disease broke out. Ministry of Health head communications and external relations Stanslous Ngosa disclosed this in a statement issued to the media on Friday, saying the new cases had

Zambian maize farmers receive DK Chilala insurance pay out after erratic rains

Over 100 maize farmers in  Zambia have received insurance payouts at their local agro dealer via their mobile phones, marking the first payouts issued of DK Chilala Insurance, an innovative micro-insurance programme that protects farmers’ against drought at the onset of the season. The payments under the DK Chilala programme were triggered when rainfall for the first three weeks of the
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