Category: Latest News

President Lungu Directs Treasury, Spending Agencies

President Edgar Lungu has directed the treasury and all spending agencies to urgently constitute a task force to expedite the completion of infrastructure projects which have stalled across the country. President Lungu is particularly disappointed that many projects in Muchinga province which he recently toured have stalled for a long time. To this effect, the

Kambwili’s Forgery Case Fails To Take Off

The matter in which Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili is charged with three counts of forgery, uttering false documents and presenting false documents to a public officer has failed to take off in the Lusaka Magistrate court. Mr. Kambwili was this morning expected to appear before Magistrate David Simusamba to take plea on the

LAZ: Cadreism Is Taking Over Official Govt Duties

LAW Association of Zambia president Linda Kasonde says it is regrettable to see how political cadres are taking over what should be official government functions. And Kasonde has stressed that the Association feels there should be no addition or subtraction of Articles to the amended Constitution but only “cleaning up of the language” in the

Maintain Momentum – Sichone

FAZ technical director Moses Sichone has urged Chipolopolo players to maintain their momentum at the ongoing African Nations championship. And coach Wedson Nyirenda says the ‘favourites’ tag is exerting pressure on his team but added that he has the players to cope with it. In an interview, Sichone said there was every reason for any

We Were Paid, Reveal Luapula Chiefs

NINENTEEN (19) Luapula Province chiefs who converged at Henry Courtyard in Mansa on Thursday to dissociate themselves from issuing pro-Harry Kalaba comments were ‘forced’ to do so by State House using provincial minister Nickson Chilangwa, a reliable source has disclosed. On Tuesday, The Mast reported that chiefs in Luapula Province said no one should force
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