Category: Latest News

Koffi Olomide Jets In

POPULAR musician Antoine Mumba commonly known as Koffi Olomide is in town. The Congolese music star is set to perform at the Government Complex banquet hall in Lusaka on the 27th July and Mindolo Dam in Kitwe on the 28th July, 2018. The Congolese Rhumb...

Koffi Olomide Jets In

POPULAR musician Antoine Mumba commonly known as Koffi Olomide is in town. The Congolese music star is set to perform at the Government Complex banquet hall in Lusaka on the 27th July and Mindolo Dam in Kitwe on the 28th July, 2018. The Congolese Rhumba giant touched down at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport on a…

Another defeat

MATHEWS KABAMBA, Kitwe SOUTH AFRICA 2 ZAMBIA 1 THESE are hard times to be a Zambian football fan even if the worrying signs have been evident in recent times.Even before the Under-20 defeat against Burundi could be properly digested, their junior count...
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