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What the hell

President Lungu

The PF’s plan for Zambia: Make more Toll gates and rob Zambians the already heavily taxed income and sell whatever is to IMF bailouts. New industries= Zero Jobs= funny ones at shopping malls being shop attendants. Themselves= came in with one jacket but are now supper rich (some even selling mukula trees). You= who are you? Each man for himself. You are on your own comrade!!

Point out my lies above. What politician cares for you? What opportunities are you seeing for yourself and your family and your country?

If you can’t see rubbish in this my dear then you don’t care about your country, your future and your children’s future

Instead of encouraging industrial revival and restoration and heavy industrial production to begin waking up lost industries we had in all provinces, government is busy building Toll gates as revenue stream (day light robbery) and borrowing and more borrowing till we can’t borrow no more.

Zambia still has infrastructure that is just rotting in the provinces. Yes Every province had something that can be revived. Chipata had the bicycle plant, Mongu had rice cashew nuts and fish, Mansa had the car battery plant and manganese mines (which Kennedy Sakeni explored and made himself rich), Kawambwa had the tea plant, Kasama had kateshi coffee plant, Mpulungu and Nchelenge produced Kapenta, Kabwe had KiFco and the textile and flower plants, Kafue had the nitrogen chemical plant and another textile industry, Mumbwa had the cotton ginary, Kaoma produced Tobaco at TBZ, Mwinilunga had the pineapple plant, Mufulira produced explosives at Kafironda, Zambia exported military boots and copper bullets through the Serenje plant, the copper mines were in Kabwe, Mkushi The entire Copperbelt and the less talked about Dan Robin Gold mine in Mumbwa. We even had a car plant. We assembled new cars in Livingstone. We had proper sawmills at Mulobezi, St Joseph and chati areas in Lufwanyama and Zaffico had full life. We produced paper, lead pencils and all these things we import today like simple toothpicks. Life wasn’t only at malls in Lusaka.

Honestly what the hell has happened? How does a nation become so backwards??? What is going on???

Suffice to say we need a National development agenda, a real indaba where our future of the country will be tabled and discussed. Seems the people with power have no idea what to do and those with ideas have no power

The PF I voted for promised to be a party of the people. Not just chanting blind slogans and blind following but they promised to bring development. Now point to me what real substantial development is going on? What are the plans for employment creation? Build more Shopping Malls where our Youth get ma 3 pin 4 pin change? And you bloody call that development? You must be out of your mind.


Another big Liar is the UPND!

Frankly you have about 50 MPs (who have access to the yearly CDF (constituency development fund) funds, you control half the councils in the country, honestly how much more do you need to implement your bloody Ten Point plan with all that power? Why can’t you start in the councils and constituencies you control. If your bloody so called ten point plan is real it will show and voting you in will be easy. Unless you have a hidden agenda? ?

Mind you Sata made a name as an MP first, then as minister of local government and later health. Infact Sata did nothing as President. His legacy was created outside State House. So stories of we are not in the driving seat are bullshit. Work in the councils you control, let the ten point plan begin there.

But my inner intuition tells me you are just as clueless as the PF..

Fellow youth, we are in trouble!

By Mwaba Mutale

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