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Tutwa was Elusive- Mwitwa


September 5, 2019September 5, 20192By Hannock Kasama-Law Association of Zambia(LAZ) President Eddie Mwitwa has defended the process through which he served the originating summons before Parliamentary Chief Whip Tutwa Ngulube.This is in a matter in which Mr. Ngulube has been sued for defamation of character .Tutwa NgulubeMr. Mwitwa  in an affidavit filed in the Lusaka High Court has submitted that  Mr. Ngulube was not personally served with the Writ of Summons as he was allegedly elusive.But Mr. Ngulube has filed an affidavit in opposition contending that the manner in which the Writs of Summons were served was illegal and irregular.Mr. Ngulube has been sued by Mr. Mwitwa  for defamation of character by alleging that the later has been sponsored by the United Party for National Development-UPND to oppose the 2019 Constitutional Amendment Bill. Post Views: 2
News Source: ZNBC

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