TIT4TAT: UPND Official Pays K1, 000 To Destroy Pres. Lungu Poster

Pres Lungu BillboardA UPND official identified as Larry Mweetwa has proudly announced he paid K1, 000 to destroy one of President Edgar Lungu’s campaign billboards in what he says is a tit for tat exercise.

Here below is Larry Mweetwa’s announcement

Look they destroyed posters for campaigns at intercity worth k6000.

We Destroyed a Billboard worth k17,600 and the good news is that this one was done by my new hired bull dog from PF, ati boss ifwe tulefwaya fye ka one pin (K1000).

Please can someone help me find out how much Mad-Max or AUTO World sale those graffiti spray paint Cans my bull dogs want them urgently for tonight’s operation.

Destroy 1 bill board for Lungu in the spirit of Tit4Tat because ECZ are shielding and protecting the nonsense in PF and we will reward you with K1000. This is my own personal Sacrifice to teach PF a lesson and it’s got nothing to do with my political party of choice. This is entirely my project with my bull dogs.


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