TAYALI issues safety ultimatum to PSV operators

By Wilson Mulinda Government has given public service vehicle operators a six month ultimatum to implement fleet safety management for their employees. Transport and Logistics Minister FRANK TAYALI says the high number of accidents by Public service vehicle drivers is alarming and requires immediate attention. Mr. TAYALI has also challenged road transport stakeholders to draw

RTSA impounds several vehicles in Lusaka

By Lucky Phiri The Road Transport and Safety Agency -RTSA- has impounded several vehicles due to non-compliance with road traffic rules and regulations in various parts of Lusaka. This was in an enforcement exercise conducted between 22:00 hours last evening and 05:00 hours this morning. And RTSA Board Chairperson ALLEN MATE has warned motorists against

Road accidents worry TAYALI

By Ruth Chayinda Transport and Logistics Minister FRANK TAYALI is concerned with the high number of road accidents which have claimed over 1,000 lives this year alone. Mr. TAYALI says this year the country has recorded over 27,000 road accidents resulting in 1,496 deaths and 4,447 serious injuries. He has attributed the increased accidents to


By Kasabula Muchimba The Road Transport and Safety Agency -RTSA – has impounded several vehicles in Lusaka for violating road traffic rules and regulations. And RTSA has so far impounded 22 vehicles on the Great North Road since the start of the exercise yesterday. Acting RTSA Public Relations Manager, ROY HAABALU says the exercise is

RTSA Rolls Out Three Lane Initiative

By Masauso Mkwayaya The Road Transport and Safety Agency-RTSA- in collaboration with the Lusaka City Council have rolled out a three lane initiative on the Great East Road to improve the flow of traffic. The initiative utilises an extra lane from east bound traffic during peak hours in the morning so that west bound vehicles

Misconduct by PSV Drivers irks RTSA

By Agness Njovu Road Transport and Safety Agency- RTSA- spokesperson MUKELA MANGOLWA is concerned with the continuous misconduct of motorists and bus drivers on the roads. Mr. MANGOLWA notes that despite the recent engagement with the police to end illegal bus stops mostly in the Central Business District- CBD- the situation has not improved. He
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