Tag: HH

No Competition between HH and Chitimukulu at Kuomboka

By Justin Akakulubelwa Paramount Chief CHITIMUKULU has described social media reports surrounding his presence and that of President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA at the Kuomboka Ceremony as mere political manifestation by uninformed people. The MWINE LUBEMBA wonders how President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA, who has facilitated his movement from Northern to Western Province, can be accused of competing with

Develop drought resistant crops – HH

By Sharon Siame President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has called for collaboration among researchers in the agriculture sector to ensure they come up with drought resistant crops that can be grown by farmers. President HICHILEMA says researchers should also breed varieties that are flood resistant and high yielding. He says this will bring about efficiency in the

President HICHILEMA thanks Luanshya residents

By Chembe Mbale President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA has thanked the residents of Luanshya and the Copperbelt for their patience as the Government is working at unlocking shaft 28 which has since been renamed as New Luanshya Mines on the Copperbelt. President HICHILEMA says his government will do everything possible to make life easier for the people

HH Commissions dewatering of Shaft 28

By Tamara Muswala President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA says the de-watering of Shaft 28 at Luanshya Copper Mines on the Copperbelt, will create over 3,000 jobs, which will in turn recapitalize small businesses. President HICHILEMA says Shaft 28 is expected to produce about 40,000 metric tonnes of copper once operational. This will contribute towards achieving the three

China trip yielding results – HH

By Paul Shalala President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA says his trip to China last September has resulted in a number of development projects being implemented in Zambia. President HICHILEMA says the de-watering of Shaft 28 in Luanshya is just one of many projects that have been embarked on since he engaged Chinese President XI JINPING in Beijing

HH to Commission road and Hospital in Chingola

President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA is soon expected to commission the Chingola Chililabombwe Kasumbalesa road and the Chililabombwe District Hospital. Mines Minister PAUL KABUSWE, who is Chililabombwe Member of Parliament, has disclosed this at the handover ceremony of a new 12 unit mortuary refrigerator at Kakoso Level One hospital in Chililabombwe. He said the commissioning of the

Zambia to learn from Botswana’s diamond sector

By Masauso Mkwayaya President HAKAINDE HICHILEMA says government has invited Botswana to invest in the country’s mining sector because of its expertise in managing diamonds. Speaking during the launch of the Lusaka International Arbitration Center -LIAC-, President HICHILEMA said Zambia needs to learn from Botswana on how it has managed to benefit from its Diamonds.
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