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South Sudan Dismisses Claim Leaders’ Failed People

South Sudan has hit back after the US ambassador to the United Nations accused the country’s leader of failing their people.

Government spokesman Ateny Wek Ateny said Nikki Haley’s damning statement was “outrageous”.

Ms Haley had told the UN Security Council on Wednesday that “the time has come to acknowledge the hard reality – that the leaders of South Sudan are not just failing their people, they are betraying them”.

But Mr Ateny said it was nothing more than an insult to South Sudan’s people, who had elected their own leaders.

“I would like to call that statement as outrageous, and intended to aggress and disparage the president of another country,” he told the Eye Radio.

“If it is not an insult to the people of South Sudan, they would not have even elected somebody who is unfit to govern the country.”

But Ms Haley is not the only international actor with concerns about what is happening in South Sudan, as the BBC’s Anne Soy reports.

A body set up to monitor the implementation of the peace agreement in South Sudan has urged the UN Security Council to define clear consequences for violations of the deal signed more than two years ago.


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