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President Lungu announces mandatory HIV testing

EL CABINET meetingPresident Edgar Lungu has disclosed that Cabinet has approved the policy for mandatory testing for HIV for all patients seeking medical attention at all government health institutions.

The Head of State says the policy is non-negotiable.

President Lungu said this in Lusaka when he launched the 2017 HIV Testing, Counselling and Treatment Day.

He says the same way patients are treated for diseases such as Malaria is the same way they will be subjected to compulsory testing for HIV and that those found positive will be put on treatment.

President Lungu says this is in line with government’s resolve to eradicate HIV by the year 2030.

He states that the HIV scourge has continued to pause a threat to Zambia’s development and thus the need to fight it with the attention it deserves.

Speaking at the same event, UN Resident Coordinator Janet Rogan says the fight against the HIV epidemic is not the responsibility of the government alone, but that all stakeholders should take a hand in this fight.

And US Embassy Charge D’ Affairs Christopher Kraft says since 2004, the U.S Government through PEPFAR has contributed over US$3 billion towards supporting HIV programs.

And a teenager living with HIV/AIDS Bahati Sikanyika has encouraged young people to take a bold decision to know their status for a healthy living.

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