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Political Pariah Kabimba Suspends Rainbow Officials

Wynter Kabimba still feels strong enough to suspend officials in his defacto defunct Rainbow Party.

Kabimba who is literally a lone voice under the defunct Rainbow Party has suspended two officials from Copperbelt for alleged flirting with the ruling Patriotic Front.

The Rainbow Party’s notable success to date was winning and celebrating for over one month the Kapilyomba Ward by-election prior to the 2016 general elections.

Kabimba, the once upon a time mighty PF General Secretary has seen his political stock reduced to mere newspaper headlines has however kept the Rainbow Party banner going.

He has fallen foul with his former associates who have formed the Socialist Party with innuendos about sexual orientation a running feud among the former comrades.

According to documents obtained, Copperbelt Provincial Youth Treasurer Christopher Chanda and Kalulushi District vice Youth Chairman Emmanuel Kachingwe have been suspended from the party with immediate effect.

The two are being accused of associating with the ruling Patriotic Front and are allegedly scheming to destabilise the almost defunct Rainbow Party.

And Copperbelt Party Spokesman Dennis Kapukulo has confirmed the suspension of the two party members for allegedly being in conflict with the party’s constitution.

He said the Rainbow Party will not tolerate indiscipline but will ensure that all those bringing confusion are punished as per party constitution.

The post Political Pariah Kabimba Suspends Rainbow Officials appeared first on Zambia Reports.

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