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Police finally locate “ChiChi” and Interview Her

POLICE deputy spokesperson Rae Hamoonga says that police have been able to locate and interview the woman who was sexually assaulted by seemingly drunk men.

Deputy police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga said in a statement that, “police have man head ways in the investigations, yesterday, the 29th June,2016, we were able to locate the victim and interviewed her. Furthermore our police officers are on the ground looking for the perpetrators. Investigations are ongoing,”

Mr. Hamoonga has also confirmed that NGOCC has presented a petition to the Zambia Police Service concerning the same matter.

“Police have received a petition from NGOCC against women’s violation in a social media video this morning at Police Headquarters.The petition was handed over to the Inspector General of Police,Mr Kakoma Kanganja by the Executive Director, Ms Engwase Mwale.” Mr Hamoonga

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