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Police charge wife killer with murder

Esther katongo ZPPolice have formally charged Peter Siwale, the man of Lusaka’s Meanwood phase 2 who shot dead his wife and her supposed lover with murder.

In a statement, Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo says Mr. Siwale has been charged with two counts of murder contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code Cap 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

Ms Katongo says the suspect will appear in court soon.

Mr. Siwale, 33, who is a clearing agent in Nakonde in Muchinga Province, shot dead his wife Charity Namukoko, 30, and Andrew Chibesa, 27, after reportedly finding them in a comprising situation.

Mr. Siwale shot dead his wife and her alleged lover in full view of his children.

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