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By Ruth Chayinda

Ministry of Health has called on the public to adhere to public health and social measures as they go to cast their votes at various polling stations tomorrow.

Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary KENNEDY MALAMA says despite the country seeing a reduction in positivity of Covid cases at National level, the situation has not yet stabilised.

Dr. MALAMA says in the last 24 hours, the country has recorded Five Hundred and Twelve new confirmed COVID-19 cases out of 7,921 tests bringing the cumulative number of confirmed cases recorded to 201, 342.

He disclosed that 10 new COVID-19 related deaths were recorded in the past 24 hours of which Seven were classified as COVID-19 deaths.

This brings the cumulative number of COVID-19 related deaths recorded to date now stands at 3,509 of which 2,636 COVID-19 deaths while 873 COVID-19 associated deaths.

Dr MALAMA also disclosed that 211 patients were discharged of which 43 are from facilities and 168 from community management bringing the cumulative number of recoveries to 193,547.

The Permanent Secretary also stated that the country currently has 4,286 active cases, with 4,043 under community management and 243 admitted to COVID-19 isolation facilities.

Dr MALAMA also revealed that the country has seen 29 new admissions in the last 24 hours further stating that among those currently admitted, 159 are on Oxygen therapy and 67 are in critical condition.

In a statement issued to ZNBC news, Dr. MALAMA said though the situation has improved, the country continues to record deaths, mostly from among the cohort of critical patients in hospitals as well as those presenting late to health facilities.

Dr. MALAMA also noted that vaccination remains a key strategy for ensuring reduction in severe illness, hospitalisations and deaths.

The Ministry has also encouraged all those yet to receive the full complement of 2 doses of AstraZeneca to do so at the earliest possible time.

He however said that the country is expecting to receive an additional consignment of 119,000 doses of AstraZeneca on Friday 13th August 2021 to supplement the vaccine basket.

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