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PF Should Not Celebrate By-election Victory, Says Ndhlovu

Alfred Ndhlovu says winning  by-elections does not translate into for scooping the general election as they normally go the ruling party way.


Patriotic Front(PF) Deputy  Secretary General Mumbi Phiri said the PF is on firm ground after winning 9 out of 11 by-elections.

Mrs Phiri said the PF is still people’s choice after putting up a good performance in the by-elections that were marred by violence.

When reach for a comment, Ndhlovu who is former Deputy Minister in the Chiluba regime said by-election normally favour ruling parties.

He said a ruling party normally has  state machinery  at its disposal.

Ndhlovu recalled that Dr Kenneth Kaunda, Dr Frederick Chiluba, Levy Mwanawasa, Rupiah Banda and late Michael Sata used to win by- elections, therefore it is not strange for the PF under Edgar Lungu to win the by-elections in the manner they did.

He, however, said it becomes a challenge for the ruling to win a by-election in an opposition stronghold.

Ndhlovu summed up the PF by-election victory in this fashion: “Usually by-election go the ruling party way because  they(ruling parties) take advantage of state machinery. So there is nothing to celebrate about. Dr Kaunda, late Frederick Chiluba and late Mwanawasa, Rupiah Banda, late Sata…they all used to win by elections.”

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