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PF ‘brings back’ street vending



Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Davies Mwila has directed the Lusaka City Council to revisit the issue of street vendors in the Capital City.

Addressing party officials in Chawama Constituency, this afternoon, Mwila further called on Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa to direct council police to stop harassing street vendors with immediate effect.

He has suggested that a street or two could be dedicated to street vending in Lusaka with the Council providing amenities such as water and toilets.

“Why harass a woman selling cooking sticks…do cooking sticks bring Cholera? Go and deliver this message to His Worship the Mayor. We are voted for by our poor people and we therefore refuse as a Party that our people must be mistreated for selling cooking sticks” Mwila said.

He said the directive is in line with the Patriotic Front’s all-embracing pro-poor policies that seek to ensure that the poor people actively participate and benefit from the economic development of the country, as highlighted in the PF Manifesto.

This is according to a press release issued by PF Media Director Sunday Chanda.

In February last year, President Edgar Lungu sent soldiers to rid the streets of Lusaka of vendors following one of the worst cholera outbreaks in the country’s history.

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