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Over 200 Police Officers Buy Land From UPPZ’s Chanda

United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) leader Charles Chanda’s critics must be hurting after he sold over 200 plots from his K1000 0000 worth prime land opposite Kenneth Kaunda Airport.
On-line media outlets aligned to both the ruling Patriotic Front(PF) and opposition United Party for National Development(UPND) have been carrying malicious articles, claiming that Mr Chanda is defrauding Zambians millions of Kwacha by selling them fake land.
However, the UPPZ leader confirmed that over 200 police officer have purchased land from him, rubbishibg malicious allegations that he is a land thief.

This came to light when hundreds of citizens acompanied Mr Chanda to the cite where he has acquired barren land.
“How can I sell illegal land to over 250 police officers? You think I could be walking the streets of Lusaka a free man. Out of those police officers, at least one of them can wake up and arrest me. I don’t get moved what they write because I know myself and I know that I am not stealing from Zambians but giving them empowerment,” he said, ” Moreover, from the land I bought in Makeni people are building mansions. So, you think I could not have been arrested a long time ago, if I were a thief?”
Mr Chanda said he expects Government to support him and not persecute him because he is complementing it’s efforts of empowering people with land.
He explained that Zambia has 1.5 million housing deficit.
“You people who have been sent by the Government, please tell them that Mr Chanda is merely assisting you to empower people with land. You people gathered here did not vote for me. So, Government must be proud of me for empowering it’s people,” he said.
Mr Chanda complained that it is only foreigners who have access to land as things stand now.
“I just gave out land to a certain 70 year old woman. She wept and thanked me. This is very sad, how can a person at 70 have no piece of land to build accommodation?” he wondered.

Read this article from the original source: Over 200 Police Officers Buy Land From UPPZ’s Chanda.

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