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Open letter to the President


Dear Mr. President,

REF: The Cake is Rotten Mr. President

Your people are uncertain about the future of this country Mr. President. There is a common feeling that the cake is now rotten. The smell is too much that am sure even our neighbours are getting it. The tension in people’s hearts is massive but yet can not be seen. The country is not the same way President Sata left it.

I write this letter with a heavy heart my president. The people who so much believed in you are not getting what they believed they would get from your government.

Our country is in a bad shape your excellence. Until this day some of the schools have not been opened due to the outbreak of cholera which should have been avoided in the first. Sir the vendors whom your government kicked out of the streets without finding an alternative trading place for them are now suffering. They are not able to feed their families and pay school fees for their children.

While you and your ministers are enjoying life in air conditioned vehicles and big mansions, the police officers who provide security to you did not receive full pay for the month of January 2018. Sad enough your government has not taken responsibility but only lay the blame on technology.

The gap between the rich and the poor has become wider. It is extremely difficult for the majority of your people to afford three meals a day. There is a strange absence of liquid cash in circulation your excellence.

Forget it Mr. President! those who are close to you don’t tell you the truth. They are doing everything possible to keep their positions by telling you what they think you want to hear.

Sir, those who supported you in 2015 believed that you are a humble and listening President. They are now disappointed as it seems as though their judgment was not on point. In 2016 you opened Mulungushi Textiles in Kabwe just as a way of getting votes from the residents. You gave hope to thousands of people only to disappoint them in the end. A humble leader could have gone back to Kabwe and apologise. Mr. President I bring your attention to this and many issues that boarder on your integrity. You owe your people an apology for lying to them.

The moment you became president you promised that you would deal with the post newspaper and true to your word hundreds of the former workers of the post are no longer in employment. What kind of a good leader fails to negotiate in the interest of his people?

Your party cadres attacked those who went to give solidarity to the NDC president in full view of police. Not even a single comment has come from your office to condemn the act. Sir this can only mean that you are not aware of this or you too support the violence.

Mr. President this country is losing millions of dollars through corruption. You know the individuals who are corrupt within your government but for some special reason you have decided to keep them despite making a public announcement that you would fire those you knew where depositing huge amounts in their accounts.

My dear President, allegations have emerged that you are now one of the richest individuals in Zambia. How so your excellence when at the time you become president you were just a simple Zambian who lived a humble life in Chawama? Others suggest that you are also involved in the sale of mukula among many other allegations. These allegations you have not denied Mr. President.

It is highly debauched that when your people don’t have access to clean drinking water with most of them living under K5 per day, you and your government officials would be using tax payers money to fund your insecurities. Mr. President pregnant mother in the rural areas give birth in their homes due to lack of transport and yet the ministers you sent to Luapula are using ambulances to ferry cadres for party activities. It is abuse of authority your excellence. Where is your conscious when the country’s economy is so troubled despite God blessing us with so much wealth as a nation.

Mr. President, how can your government accept to lease the toll gates for 17 years to foreigners? How does your government see the sale of ZNBC a national broadcaster? How did we give away NRDC? Is this all done in the interest of the Zambian people who gave you the mandate to rule this country?

Mr. President, how did we find ourselves with so much debt that our grandchildren will continue paying when we are gone and yet we can’t really see where the money went?

How did a Christian nation find ourselves at a point where we are not able to forgive one another. The hatred in this country is too much that not even your own political party has been spared. There is no intra-party democracy within the PF. All those with presidential ambitions are perceived to be your enemies and kicked out of your party.

Your party members don’t even know what they want. The time you mocking said you won’t stand in 2021 they supported you. One that you have shown serious intentions to contest 2021 they are supporting you again. Sir, it’s like your government is perpetuating the poverty among the citizens so that the PF can continue controlling the minds of our people.

While all this is happening Mr. President, I want to remind you that 2021 is far and near. You may cement your stay in power beyond 2021 but a time shall surely come when you will have to go.

But the question is; what legacy will you leave behind? What name are you building for the generations coming after you.

I end here my ‘Humble’ President.

Your faithfully

David N Kapoma
Governance Activist

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