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Lusaka ~ Tue, 5 Jan 2021

By Brightwell Chabusha

Lusaka Deputy Mayor Christopher Shakafuswa says managers and officers in all Lusaka markets and bus stations must ensure that no one accesses their facilities without wearing a mask.

The deputy mayor said the new wave of COVID-19 is deadly and bus operators should make sure any commuter not wearing a mask does not enter their buses.

He said this during a Covid 19 sensitization exercise conducted in various parts of Lusaka with the Provincial Minister Bowman Lusambo, Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA), Zambia Police and Ministry of Health, among others.

“This is a multi sectoral team, therefore we expect that from tomorrow onwards anyone found wanting should be fined,” Mr Shakafuswa said.

“We have the SI in place, we have the act in place and we are now going to move to compliance and dissemination of Information like we are doing so.”

He said distribution of masks is being done today to remind the general public to be compliant because Covid 19 is here and is very deadly.

“We expect everyone to mask up, observe social distancing and wash your hands more frequently to prevent the new variant from spreading throughout the city,” he said.

Mr Shakafuswa has said the Council will be on the ground in every community to ensure that all community members are complying with the guidelines that have been put in place.

News Source: ZambiaReports

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