NAPSA To Capture 250,000 Informal Workers

By Tamara Muswala

The National Pension Scheme Authority-NAPSA- targets to capture 250,000 workers in the informal sector by 2026.

This will be done in collaboration with NHIMA and workers compensation fund Control Board.

And Chingola District Administrative Officer STEPHEN MONZE has urged those in the informal sector to take advantage of the program and register to avoid adult poverty.

And NAPSA Regional manager for North MUSHOKE NAMILUKO said over seventy percent of the country’s productivity lies in the informal Sector.

Mr. NAMILUKO said the three institutions are collaborating to pull the informal sector agenda as set by the government.

Meanwhile Workers Compensation Fund Control Board  Team leader for the extension of social protection coverage to the informal Sector JIMMIE SHWANDE said the institution wants to provide life long support

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