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Mwila Warns PF Officials Against ‘Washing Dirty Linen In Public’


Lusaka ~ Wed, 30 Sept 2020

By ZR Reporter

Patriotic Front Secretary General Mr Davies Mwila has sounded a stern warning to party officials that the party will deal with anyone that rushes to the media to embarrass a sitting Cabinet Minister over an administrative matter, reminding them that there must be order and discipline in the ruling party.

Addressed a media brief in Lusaka today, Mr Mwila said he does not expect any party official to rush to the media to discuss internal issues of the party or risk being disciplined.

“The mobilization teams were created to supplement party structures but of late, I have heard statements that I thought I should talk about. All issues being raised about mobilization are supposed to be dealt with administratively. I do not expect anyone to rush to the media on matters of administrative nature. I have heard that a Cabinet Minister has no power to discipline any official! You should know that a Cabinet Minister can complain to my Office and I will deal with you. I will not allow anarchy in the party. There must be order – so if Honourable Bowman Lusambao has gone wrong, the matter must be dealt with administratively. If anyone is going to the media to embarrass the Minister, I will deal with you. Consider this a warning,” Mr Mwila said.

Meanwhile, the ruling party has lifted the suspension of Luanshya District Chairman Golden Mulenga because he has shown remorse.

News Source: ZambiaReports

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